Current Tag: First Mennonite Church of Richmond

“What kind of government do we want?” asks Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of First Mennonite Church of Richmond, Virginia. Ahlgrim continues, “We’re not alone in this…even the ancient Israelites wrestled with this question.” In today’s passage, 1...
Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of Richmond’s First Mennonite Church, says, “unlike Aesop’s Fables, Jesus’s parables are not always easy to understand. Some of his parables are downright puzzling.” He finds today’s parable of the talents from...
Rev. Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of Richmond’s First Mennonite Church begins, “When I was a teenager, I remember seeing…an illustration that showed a huge chasm. On one ridge of the chasm stood a man and on...
“By the end of the twentieth century, over 130 million people died in war. And then came 9/11. Our country initiated a ‘global war on terror.’…There have been wars in Africa and wars in the...
Ryan Ahlgrim preaches that fascinating story from Genesis 18:20-32, about the time Abraham bargained with God in the hope that he would spare the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah “if only ten righteous” were found...
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