Sermons by Scripture: John 20:19-31

“Through Locked Doors”

April 7, 2024
The Rev. Dr. William H. Willimon, Bishop in the United Methodist Church, Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry, and one of America’s best preachers preaches a sermon from John 20:19-31, the story of “Doubting Thomas.”...

A21: The Second Sunday of Easter, Year A (2023)

April 16, 2023
“I understand why the world has it’s doubts about the church,” says Judy Kincaid. “We brought it on ourselves with things like the crusades, the inquisition, our acceptance of segregation and our mistreatment of the...

A21: The Second Sunday of Easter, Year A (2020)

April 19, 2020
“Poor Thomas. He’s been called the doubter, the skeptic. Jesus seems to chastise him for having to see in order to believe,” begins MaryAnn McKibben Dana. In John 20:19-31, we learn how Jesus handles a...

C22: The Second Sunday of Easter, Year C (2019)

April 28, 2019
“Not long after I arrived at my last pastoral ministry, I was at a gathering for area clergy where I met a minister who told me had an interest in apologetics, that is proving and...

B20: The Second Sunday of Easter, Year B (2018)

April 8, 2018
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, tells the story of Doubting Thomas from John 20:19-31, and makes the observation that, if you’re not in the room, you could miss...
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