December 4, 2022

A02: The Second Sunday of Advent, Year A (2022)

Ryan Ahlgrim

“By the end of the twentieth century, over 130 million people died in war. And then came 9/11. Our country initiated a ‘global war on terror.’…There have been wars in Africa and wars in the Middle East. Now Russia has invaded Ukraine,” says Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of Richmond’s First Mennonite Church. He continues, “War is not glorious. War is nasty. It is vicious, It is dehumanizing…even if the cause is just or noble, it deeply wounds those involved.” Ahlgrim asks, “Where do we go from here?” Today’s passage, Isaiah 11:1-10, “gives us…dramatic images of a world without war.” Listen as Ahlgrim examines Isaiah’s vision for how we can work toward this goal.

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