Current Tag: choices

Rev. Ginger E. Gaines-Cirelli, Pastor of Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, DC, preaches a sermon called “Invisible Christ” from Matthew 25:31-46. Cirelli says, “Notice that in our parable today Jesus isn’t telling us to...
Rev. Ginger E. Gaines Cirelli, Pastor of Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, DC, preaches a sermon called “What’s It Gonna Be?” from Joshua 24:1-3a and 14-25. She says of today’s passage, “This moment is...
“By the end of the twentieth century, over 130 million people died in war. And then came 9/11. Our country initiated a ‘global war on terror.’…There have been wars in Africa and wars in the...
“It amuses me to see that the word ‘busybodies’ shows up in the Bible at all! It’s such a funny word…makes you wonder what sort of trouble a first century busybody would create,” says Carla...
“It makes light of the temptation of Jesus, doesn’t it, to compare it to that feeling we have when the waiter asks us if we’d like to see a dessert menu? Yes, we’d like to...
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