Current Tag: 2018

The Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Interim Senior Minister of National City Christian Church in Washington DC, preaches on Luke 21:25-36. Butler questions why this passage (one we probably would not read as a bedtime story...
Rev. Carla Pratt Keyes, Pastor of Ginter Park Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia, takes a look at this week’s Gospel lesson from John 18, in which Jesus is questioned by Pilate about his identity as...
Will Willimon has long been recognized as one of America’s most prolific preachers, speakers, and authors. In this sermon from Mark 13:1-8 he finds Jesus in “an apocalyptic mood,” talking about the destruction of the...
The Rev. Lisa Cressman, Episcopal priest and founder of Backstory Preaching, takes a closer look at the story most of us know as “The Widow’s Mite” from Mark 12:38-44. Cressman uses lyrics from the musical...
Father Michael Renninger, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, preaches a sermon from Deuteronomy 6:1-9 and Mark 12:28-34, the “Shema” in the Old Testament and the Great Commandment in the New. With...
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