November 11, 2018

B51: The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (2018)

Lisa Cressman

The Rev. Lisa Cressman, Episcopal priest and founder of Backstory Preaching, takes a closer look at the story most of us know as “The Widow’s Mite” from Mark 12:38-44. Cressman uses lyrics from the musical Chicago to set the scene for the passage. “Everyone gets noticed now and then unless that person should be invisible, inconsequential me. Mr. Cellophane should have been my name because you can look right through me, walk right past me, and never know I’m there.” Have you ever felt this way?  Jesus notices “invisible” people.  He sees “Ms. Cellophane.”  He points her out to his disciples as an example of what’s right about faith and what’s wrong with a system that exploits it.