Current Tag: trust

“If we walk with God long enough it seems that somewhere along the way we will find ourselves wandering and wondering. That is what Abram and Sarai have been up to when we encounter them...
In today’s sermon from Acts 10:44-48, Amy Starr Redwine, pastor of Richmond’s First Presbyterian Church, says, “Until Acts chapter 10, we could be forgiven for thinking that it is Peter who made the church the...
“Promise me you will come back. Do you promise?” Father Michael Renninger, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, heard this question each time he left one of his dear elderly congregants. This...
In today’s sermon, Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of First Mennonite Church in Richmond, Virginia, asks the thought-provoking question, “Will we trust God when we are faced with the loss of everything?” Ahlgrim preaches from Genesis 22:1-14,...
The art of story telling can be pretty difficult. “We long to tell our most authentic stories and yet we fear telling our stories,” says Rev. Courtney Allen Crump, senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church...
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