March 13, 2022

C16: The Second Sunday in Lent, Year C (2022)

Courtney Allen Crump

“If we walk with God long enough it seems that somewhere along the way we will find ourselves wandering and wondering. That is what Abram and Sarai have been up to when we encounter them in Genesis 15. God tells them, “Go from your country and your family and your people to the land that I will show you.  I will make you a great nation, I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing,”” begins Courtney Allen Crump, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. Crump continues, “This isn’t the first time in Genesis that God speaks to Abram, but it is the first time that Abram responds to God and a back and forth exchange takes place. I mean, the man has questions and who can blame him?…the facts on the ground of Abram’s life don’t seem to match up with the promise God has made to him.” Listen as Crump explores the story of “two people of faith wondering how to deal with a promise in the face of uncertainty—and how to live as creatures of hope in a situation of hopelessness.”

Manuscript available: click HERE