Current Tag: prophets

Today is Transfiguration Sunday, a turning point from the season of Epiphany, characterized by light and revelation, to the season of Lent, a season of repentance, as we journey to the cross with Jesus. Listen...
Will Willimon, Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School, acclaimed preacher, and author of over sixty books, believes that you can tell a great deal about people by what they consider...
Rev. Rachel May, a free-range Methodist pastor currently living and working on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, preaches a sermon for Pentecost Sunday called “The Two Theys,” noticing how the “they” in the first part...
Rev. Grace Imathiu is Pastor of First United Methodist Church in Evanston, Illinois, and an international speaker. She was born and raised in Kenya. Her father is a retired Bishop of the Methodist Church in...
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