March 17, 2019

C16: The Second Sunday in Lent, Year C (2019)

Will Willimon

Will Willimon, Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School, acclaimed preacher, and author of over sixty books, believes that you can tell a great deal about people by what they consider to be humorous, funny, and delightful. However, he also believes that “grief, tears, and lament, are unfailing indicators of what we value most.” In today’s passage, Luke 13:31-35, Jesus laments over the state of Jerusalem. Jesus does not lament over Herod’s plans for him or over his eventual fate in Jerusalem, but over the state of Jerusalem. We often think of Lent as a time of personal lament, but Willimon challenges us to think in a collective manner. When is the last time you wept over your own city?

Manuscript available: click HERE