Current Tag: healing

“Paul and Silas are in a precarious situation. They’re in a difficult spot. They’re in a place where they can only trust in God. They come to this place, this unexpected place, and they learn...
“Dr. Seuss’s first book was rejected by 23 publishers. In its first year of existence Coca Cola only sold 400 Cokes…Michael Jordan got cut from his high school team…Joseph had to go through a pit...
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Lundblad, the “Dame Judy Dench” of the preaching world (wink), preaches the story of the Syrophoenician Woman from Mark 7:24-37. This woman only gets one line in the Gospel, Lundblad notes....
The Rev. Grace Imathiu, Senior Pastor of First United Methodist Church, Evanston, Illinois, is an international speaker who was born and raised in Kenya. She is not only a thoughtful interpreter of Scripture, but also...
Andrew Connors, Pastor of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland, preaches a sermon from Mark 5:21-43, the story of the hemorrhaging woman. “I wonder how long it takes to learn how to...
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