Current Category: Ordinary Time

In today’s passage from Luke 13:10-17, a ‘bent over’ woman, crippled for eighteen years, shows up at the synagogue. She doesn’t seek out Jesus, but Jesus sees her. He puts his sermon on hold, lays...
“Today’s Gospel lesson, Luke 12:49-56, is hard! Jesus asks, ‘Did you think I came to bring peace to the earth?’ Well, yes, Jesus, yes, I did. You are the Prince of Peace. I don’t like...
At a youth conference that Anna Carter Florence attended a few years ago, the musician David Bailey played for one of the worship services. Florence, the Peter Marshall Professor of Preaching at Columbia Theological Seminary...
“Does it spark joy?” That’s what the star of “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” wants to know about our possessions, and Jesus might agree. In this Sunday’s Gospel lesson he breaks the news that one’s...
Ryan Ahlgrim preaches that fascinating story from Genesis 18:20-32, about the time Abraham bargained with God in the hope that he would spare the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah “if only ten righteous” were found...
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