Current Tag: worship

Does what you believe or not believe matter? Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of First Mennonite Church, Richmond, Virginia, preaches from Acts 17:22-31. Paul teaches in Athens where the temples/shrines to all the local gods were located...
How often do we hear the pastor congratulate us on Sunday morning for being in church and participating in worship? That’s exactly what Will Willimon, professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity...
Otis Moss, III, the Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, a civil rights advocate, activist, and author who was recently recognized as one of the “12 Most Effective Preachers in...
You would expect Psalm 66 to invite Israel, God’s chosen people, to praise the Lord. However, in a surprisingly magnanimous gesture, the psalmist invites the whole earth to praise the God of Israel. Listen as...
The Rev. Dr. William H. Willimon, Bishop in the United Methodist Church, Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry, and one of America’s best preachers preaches a sermon called, “Presence Matters,” from Luke 24:36b-48, in...
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