A17: The Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year A (2023)
March 13, 2023
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, begins this Sunday’s sermon with a remarkable story about the non-miraculous healing of a girl who was blind from birth. Non-miraculous, we say,...
C44: The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C (2019)
September 23, 2019
“My youngest son has the remarkable gift of laser-like focus. Whenever he is playing with legos or reading a book, the rest of the world falls away…” begins Rev. Dr. Kristin Adkins Whitesides, Senior Pastor...
B49: The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (2018)
October 22, 2018
MaryAnn McKibben Dana is a sought-after speaker, preacher, conference leader, and writer specializing in issues of leadership, faith formation, technology, and congregational transformation. In today’s sermon, she preaches from Mark 10:46-52, the story of Blind...