Current Tag: water

Dr. Rolf Jacobson, Professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and one of the “stars” of the Sermon Brainwave podcast, preaches a sermon from Psalm 34. “It may seem strange to you...
Popular speaker, author, and retreat leader Mary Ann McKibben Dana preaches a sermon called “Other Boats Were with Him,” from Mark 4:35-41. “We are all out there navigating the stormy waters together. Local churches, each in...

“Get Up and Go”

April 22, 2024
The Rev. Andrew Connors, Senior Minister of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland, preaches a sermon called “Get up and Go,” based on the reading from Acts 8:26-40. “Get up and go,”...
“In just about every sphere of life…we are tempted to reduce complex concepts to simple ideas that are easier for us to grasp. We long to break things down into the lowest common denominator that...
Ryan Ahlgrim, Pastor of First Mennonite Church in Richmond, Virginia, begins this Sunday’s sermon from Exodus 17:1-7 by recounting the story of a hike he and his wife took in the Colorado mountains where they...
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