Current Tag: vision

“What kind of government do we want?” asks Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of First Mennonite Church of Richmond, Virginia. Ahlgrim continues, “We’re not alone in this…even the ancient Israelites wrestled with this question.” In today’s passage,...
Otis Moss, III, the Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, a civil rights advocate, activist, and author who was recently recognized as one of the “12 Most Effective Preachers in...
Rev. Ryan Ahlgrim, Pastor of First Mennonite Church in Richmond, Virginia, begins this week’s sermon from Luke 3:7-18 by taking an inventory of his coat collection. “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who...
In today’s sermon, Ginger Gaines-Cirelli, Senior Pastor of the historic Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, DC, preaches on Mark 9:30-37. She begins with a story about how she had helped decorate the youth space...
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