Current Tag: truth

MaryAnn McKibben Dana describes herself as “a writer, spouse, mother of three, muffin maker and occasional marathoner.” She says, “I am a Presbyterian pastor whose spiritual inner child is secretly Quaker. (I guess the secret’s...
Jim Somerville, Pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday, preaches a sermon called “The Power to Bless,” from Matthew 5:1-12. Matthew presents Jesus as the “Prophet like Moses,”...
“I suppose it’s only natural to present the Christian faith as some sort of answer to our questions, a kind of primitive, but sometimes effective technique, to help you obtain whatever it is that you...
“Today we have an especially exciting, fasten your seatbelt kind of story from the Old Testament…Clearly something extremely important is going on and the writer doesn’t want any of us to nod off while he...
Have you ever been asked the question, “Tell me about your church?” How do you even begin to answer this question? The Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Interim Senior Minister of National City Christian Church in...
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