B27: Trinity Sunday, Year B (2018)
May 21, 2018
The Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Interim Senior Minister at National City Christian Church, preaches on the most-memorized verse in the Bible, John 3:16, one that was such a familiar part of her youth and childhood,...
A48: The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (2017)
October 15, 2017
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, tells a story about some red-headed Irish triplets and a fight over a toy fire truck. Is that any way to get into...
A46: The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (2017)
October 1, 2017
Jim Somerville, Pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday preaches a sermon from Matthew 21:33-46 called, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.” He begins: “Before we sink our teeth into the...
A29: Trinity Sunday, Year A (2017)
June 4, 2017
Rolf Jacobson, Professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and one of the stars of the Sermon Brainwave podcast, preaches a sermon from Matthew 28:16-20 for Trinity Sunday. It’s the Great...
C26: Trinity Sunday, Year C (2016)
May 6, 2016
“Is your understanding of God true or false?…Is your conception of God radically true? Is the [tree] trunk straight, the limbs strong, the branches full of good fruit? It’s a question I’d like every Christian...