Current Tag: Richmond’s First Baptist Church

“A lot of churches these days are wondering how they can attract young adults. They think of them as the future of the church and they want their church to have a future,” begins Jim...
“On Easter Sunday someone usually says, ‘Christ is risen!’ and everyone else says, ‘Christ is risen indeed!’  But some people have a hard time with the Resurrection: they have a hard time believing it actually...
“It makes light of the temptation of Jesus, doesn’t it, to compare it to that feeling we have when the waiter asks us if we’d like to see a dessert menu? Yes, we’d like to...
“In a book called The Critical Years, Sharon Parks writes about going to Harvard as a new chaplain.” At a reception, a professor shared with her how hard it had been to send his son...
The woman who had just rear ended Jim Somerville, Pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday, came running at him, shaking her fists. “It was your fault!…This whole...
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