Current Tag: Richmond’s First Baptist Church

Jim Somerville, pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday, preaches a sermon from Matthew 16:21-28 called “From Solid Rock to Stumbling Block.” Somerville says that if Peter had...
“Here’s a question for you: What are good, God-fearing people like you and me supposed to do about all the evil in the world? Although you won’t find it anywhere in the Gospel of Matthew,...
Jim Somerville, pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday, preaches a sermon from Genesis 12:1-9, Romans 4:13-25, and Matthew 9:9-13 & 18-26 called “From Black-and-White to Color.” Somerville...
Jim Somerville, pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday, preaches a sermon called “Somebody’s Daughter” from Matthew 5:21-37. He tackles the difficult and uncomfortable topic of lust by...
“When I was a kid, we used to play a game on the school playground called ‘King of the Hill.’…Somebody would climb up on a mound of dirt at one corner of the playground and...
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