Current Tag: Richmond’s First Baptist Church

In October, a month that often focuses on stewardship in churches, it could be tempting for a pastor to use today’s passage, Luke 17:11-19, the story of the ten lepers, to preach on tithing. Ten...
“On the surface it sounds like a typical healing story from the gospels. Jesus is in a public place on the Sabbath day. Someone comes to him with a need. Jesus sees the need, feels...
If you saw the sermon title “The Worst Church Member Ever” on the marquee, would you come to church expecting an awards ceremony of some kind? Would you come to find out who “won”? Would...
“Is your understanding of God true or false?…Is your conception of God radically true? Is the [tree] trunk straight, the limbs strong, the branches full of good fruit? It’s a question I’d like every Christian...
Jim Somerville, pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia, and co-founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday, preaches a sermon called “The Acts of an Easter People,” based on Saul’s conversion story in...
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