Current Tag: remember

“In our larger culture, this is of course, Memorial Day weekend…And those of us in the church have something in addition to celebrate this weekend. Today is Ascension Sunday, which is always the last Sunday...
“At times, we get eager. We try to hurry life up. We talk about this time next year, what we are going to do this summer, or next spring…But it is important to be fully...
In Exodus 3:1-15, God tells Moses to get going in order to help the Israelite people escape Egypt and Pharaoh’s oppression. Carla Pratt Keyes, pastor of Ginter Park Presbyterian Church, in Richmond, Virginia says, “God’s...
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, preaches a sermon from John 14:15-21 called, “Never Forgotten, Never Alone.” It begins with his trip to Normandy, France, and the grave of...
Rolf Jacobson, Professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and one of the “stars” of the Sermon Brainwave podcast, preaches a sermon for All Saints’ Day from Revelation 21:1-6a. Jacobson notes...
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