Current Tag: reconciliation

“When I step back and look at the whole picture, transgressions and confessions are really the crux of it. At our best, most of what’s going on is forgiveness and compassion. Isn’t that the case...
“When someone in the church harms us in some way, what should we do? How should we respond? Many people would say, ‘Forgive!’ What could be more Christian, more spiritual, more biblical than to forgive?”...
“I live in Minnesota, where, at this time of year during the Christmas season, we often have snow, blizzards, and ice. We have what my colleague Karoline Lewis calls the “unnecessary freezing of water.” So...
Dr. Steve Eason, retired Presbyterian (PCUSA) pastor, author, pastoral counselor, teacher, and consultant, sets aside the lectionary readings for the day in order to preach a sermon for World Communion Sunday called, “A Table with...
“Jesus told some wonderful stories, but the one in today’s Gospel reading, Luke 15:11-32, is perhaps his best-known and best-loved.  It’s the parable of the Prodigal Son, and in so many ways it reveals the...
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