Current Tag: purpose

“You may not believe it, but those of us in the preaching profession sometimes wonder if it does any good.  We work at our sermons week after week…and when Sunday comes we stand in the...
“After we got our driver’s licenses, my best friend and I loved nothing more than getting in the car and just driving, windows down, radio up. We would sing whatever songs came on the radio...
Rev. Ryan Ahlgrim, pastor of Richmond’s First Mennonite Church begins, “When I was a teenager, I remember seeing…an illustration that showed a huge chasm. On one ridge of the chasm stood a man and on...
Rolf Jacobson, Professor of Old Testament and the Alvin N. Rogness Chair of Scripture, Theology, and Ministry, at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, preaches from Isaiah 1:10-18. He presents four points about the passage....
“Have you ever felt used? It’s a crummy feeling to be treated as a pawn or stepping stone in someone’s plan, as an unwilling object used for another’s benefit or pleasure. It’s dehumanizing and it’s...
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