B04: The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B (2023)
December 18, 2023
“After we got our driver’s licenses, my best friend and I loved nothing more than getting in the car and just driving, windows down, radio up. We would sing whatever songs came on the radio...
A48: The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (2020)
October 19, 2020
“I can do it myself!” eight year old Michael Renninger told his father as he tried to set up the pup tent. “I don’t need to tell you what a disaster ensued, but there was...
A02: The Second Sunday of Advent, Year A (2019)
December 2, 2019
“But still, he is a really nice guy…the tell-tale words we use too often to soften the unkind things we say about others.” David Lose, Senior Pastor of Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota,...
Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “Heaven helps those who help themselves,” says Rev. Dr. Kristin Adkins Whitesides, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Winchester, Virginia. The self-help industry is worth about $10 billion according to...
C26: The Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C (2019)
May 20, 2019
In today’s sermon, Will Willimon tells the story of a friend who, at mid-life, decided that he wanted to learn how to fly. Willimon remembers, “He felt growing anxiety in himself as he contemplated that...