Current Tag: presence

The Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Pastor, Author, and Founder of Invested Faith, preaches from Job 38:1-7 and 34-41, the third sermon in her series on Job. We’ve spent two sermons with Job, and it is...
The Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, former Senior Minister of the Riverside Church in New York City and Founder of Invested Faith, preaches from Job 23:1-9, 16-17, the second sermon in a series. Butler begins with...
Rolf Jacobson, Professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and one of the “stars” of the Sermon Brainwave podcast, preaches a sermon from John 6 and takes the trouble to provide...
The Rev. Dr. Eunjoo Mary Kim is an ordained Presbyterian minister and Professor of Homiletics and Liturgics at Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. In this Sunday’s sermon she talks about the stress of...
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