Current Tag: Jesus

“The “Lost Years”…sounds like a suspense TV series…“The Lost Years” can also refer to a big chunk of Jesus’s life,” says Scott Spencer, author and New Testament scholar. He continues, “From infancy to 30, we...
“Will you marry me?…That’s one of those questions that literally changes your life…People have told me about other questions that changed their lives,” begins Father Michael Renninger, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond,...
“In a book called The Critical Years, Sharon Parks writes about going to Harvard as a new chaplain.” At a reception, a professor shared with her how hard it had been to send his son...
“Have you ever felt used? It’s a crummy feeling to be treated as a pawn or stepping stone in someone’s plan, as an unwilling object used for another’s benefit or pleasure. It’s dehumanizing and it’s...
Father Michael Renninger, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia begins today’s sermon, “Doing It Right,” with a story about a classmate he and his fellow seminarians disliked. He said, “When she showed...
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