Current Tag: invitation

Rev. Ginger E. Gaines-Cirelli, Pastor of Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, DC, preaches a sermon called “The One Who Is Coming,” from John 1:6-8, 19-28. Gaines-Cirelli reminds us that today, the Third Sunday of...
“Today is World Communion Sunday, when Christians all over the world celebrate the Lord’s Supper — this great, big party to which God has invited all of us. Communion is being celebrated in every language...
“In just about every sphere of life…we are tempted to reduce complex concepts to simple ideas that are easier for us to grasp. We long to break things down into the lowest common denominator that...
“‘What are you looking for?’ These are the first words Jesus speaks in the gospel according to John…Christ’s inaugural question invites us to discern and articulate something significant about our lives, even our deepest desires....
“Action or contemplation?  Service or worship?  Hospitality or prayer?  For as long as the church has existed, we’ve debated these dichotomies.  Which is more important – kneeling at the altar, or mopping the church floors? ...
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