Current Tag: God

“And now,” begins Will Willimon, “we are going to engage in a daring activity. I’m going to try to speak for the risen Christ. And you are going to try to listen for a word...
Will Willimon has learned to love a lot of the characters in the Gospels, but not Nicodemus. What’s to love about this stuffy know-it-all who comes to Jesus at night in John 3:1-17, pretending to...
“By the end of the twentieth century, over 130 million people died in war. And then came 9/11. Our country initiated a ‘global war on terror.’…There have been wars in Africa and wars in the...
Father Michael Renninger, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia begins with a story of how his friends convinced him to run a marathon. He wasn’t sure about it but decided to give...
In today’s sermon, Debie Thomas, Minister of Lifelong Formation at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Palo Alto, California and blogger at Journey with Jesus, explores the parable of the “persistent widow” from Luke 18:1-8. This...
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