Current Tag: generosity

In 1825, on the banks of the Wabash River in Indiana, an old town called New Harmony was founded. This town was to be the perfect society. Many wonderful things happened there, but within four...
“‘Short passage…big message…love one another, love one another, love one another…any questions?’ This is how I once heard a preacher describe these few verses from John’s gospel,” begins Courtney Allen Crump, pastor of Grace Baptist...
The Rev. Lisa Cressman, Episcopal priest and founder of Backstory Preaching, takes a closer look at the story most of us know as “The Widow’s Mite” from Mark 12:38-44. Cressman uses lyrics from the musical...
The Rev. Dr. Luke A. Powery is the dean of Duke University Chapel and Associate Professor of Homiletics at Duke Divinity School. A national leader in the theological study of the art of preaching, Powery...