Current Tag: Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Rev. Rachel May, preaches a sermon on the Gospel lesson from John 6:56-69. “Jesus has known all along that his ministry would repel as well as attract,” she says. “’Blessed are those whom I do...
What is the first command in the Bible? If we skip over the beginning verses of Exodus 12, we miss it! Listen as Rev. Rachel May looks at the text from Exodus 12 in a...
“On the surface it sounds like a typical healing story from the gospels. Jesus is in a public place on the Sabbath day. Someone comes to him with a need. Jesus sees the need, feels...
Dr. Will Willimon, Bishop in the United Methodist Church and Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School, preaches a sermon on the Gospel lesson from Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23. He says,...
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