Current Tag: courage

Perhaps one of the most familiar lines from the book of Esther is when Mordecai reminds Esther that she was in her current position in the king’s court “for such a time as this…” In...
“But still, he is a really nice guy…the tell-tale words we use too often to soften the unkind things we say about others.” David Lose, Senior Pastor of Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota,...
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, preaches a sermon called “This Little Pig Got Broken,” based on the texts from Isaiah 64:1-9 and Mark 13:24-37. Renninger tells the story...
The Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Interim Minister at Community Church of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Founder of Invested Faith, preaches a sermon from Matthew 16:13-20 called, “The Real Question.” She asks, “Have you ever wondered: Who...
“Thank goodness for Thomas, for the courage he had to ask the questions, to demand proof, because some of us need that kind of experience in order to believe too…In a way, all of us...