Current Tag: Amy Starr Redwine

“Today is World Communion Sunday, when Christians all over the world celebrate the Lord’s Supper — this great, big party to which God has invited all of us. Communion is being celebrated in every language...
“In just about every sphere of life…we are tempted to reduce complex concepts to simple ideas that are easier for us to grasp. We long to break things down into the lowest common denominator that...
Years ago John Phillip Newell was preaching at St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh. Standing in the pulpit that hugs one of the massive, thousand-year old pillars of the church, Rev. Newell began his sermon with...
“Nearly fifty years ago, the astronauts on board the Apollo 17 spacecraft took a photograph known as the ‘blue marble.’…This was the first clear image of the planet Earth floating in the inky black vastness...
“Each of the gospels has different versions of the grief Jesus’s followers experienced after their beloved teacher died. In the version we heard today from John 21:1-19, the disciples have already seen the resurrected Jesus,...
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