Current Tag: Rachel May

“There was a place called Bethany…the house of the afflicted,” begins Rev. Rachel May. In John 12:1-8, Jesus is at the house of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. May continues, “The good news is embedded in...
Rev. Rachel May, preaches a sermon on the Gospel lesson from John 6:56-69. “Jesus has known all along that his ministry would repel as well as attract,” she says. “’Blessed are those whom I do...
Rev. Rachel May, a free-range Methodist pastor currently living and working on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, preaches a sermon for Pentecost Sunday called “The Two Theys,” noticing how the “they” in the first part...
The Rev. Rachel May preaches a sermon called “Even the Demons” based on the Gospel text from Mark 1:21-28. She says, “You’ve been there. Someone–maybe it’s you–grows quiet at the supper table because they don’t...
What is the first command in the Bible? If we skip over the beginning verses of Exodus 12, we miss it! Listen as Rev. Rachel May looks at the text from Exodus 12 in a...
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