Current Category: Year C

There are a lot of things we can lose in life. Here’s a list from the Rev. Dr. Alyce M. McKenzie, Professor of Homiletics at Perkins School of Theology. She says, “We can lose direction,...
No matter how we are baptized, “there are repercussions for the rest of our lives. From our baptism day forward, we are marked as Christ’s own forever. Nothing can or ever will erase that basic...
Dr. William H. Willimon preaches a sermon called “Walking with Jesus” from Luke 7:11-17: the story of the raising of the widow of Nain’s son.
“I suppose it’s only natural to present the Christian faith as some sort of answer to our questions, a kind of primitive, but sometimes effective technique, to help you obtain whatever it is that you...
“Today we have an especially exciting, fasten your seatbelt kind of story from the Old Testament…Clearly something extremely important is going on and the writer doesn’t want any of us to nod off while he...
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