Current Category: Year B

“Many of us are familiar with the story we often call Jonah and the whale,” begins Amy Starr Redwine, pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia. In today’s passage from Jonah 3:1-5 and 10,...
“Have you noticed that the lectionary readings for today are all about call?…It’s enough to make you stop and consider your own call,” begins Jim Somerville, Pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of...
“In order to get to the crux of this Gospel reading this morning, Mark 1:4-11, we’re essentially going to have to forget everything we’ve heard and talked about for the last three or four weeks....
“All of a sudden, everything got dark. It was Christmas Eve, many years ago…This year, we had decorated our tree with twinkle lights…We had never seen anything like it…And neither had our cat…Before we knew...
“Today’s Gospel lesson, Luke 2:22-40, seems perfect for the end of a year, almost any year but perhaps especially this one.  It’s the story of an old man holding a baby in his arms and...
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