Current Category: Lent

Will Willimon, Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School, acclaimed preacher, and author of over sixty books, believes that you can tell a great deal about people by what they consider...
What’s so special about Lent? Carla Pratt Keyes says, “Lent provides us with a space to examine the stories we tell, to face the feelings behind those stories, to name the longing and pain and...
Dr. Jim Somerville, Pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A Sermon for Every Sunday, preaches a sermon from John 12:20-33 called, “The Death of a Seed.” What happens when a seed falls...
William H. Willimon, United Methodist Bishop and Professor of the Practice of Ministry at Duke Divinity School, preaches a sermon called “Can I Get a Simple Answer?” from John 3:14-21. He says, “Poisonous serpents, a...
Carla Pratt Keyes, Pastor of Ginter Park Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia, preaches a sermon called “When Jesus Found His ‘Why’,” based on the Gospel reading from John 2:13-22. Carla says, “I’ve been reading lately...
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