C03: The Third Sunday of Advent, Year C (2015)
December 13, 2015
The Rev. Dr. Luke A. Powery is the dean of Duke University Chapel and Associate Professor of Homiletics at Duke Divinity School. A national leader in the theological study of the art of preaching, Powery...
C02: The Second Sunday of Advent, Year C (2015)
December 6, 2015
In today’s sermon from Luke 3:1-6, John the Baptist prepares the way of the Lord. Who was John the Baptist? “He’s the kind of guy who makes fashion statements by wearing camel’s hair,” says Luke...
C01: The First Sunday of Advent, Year C (2015)
November 29, 2015
Will Willimon has long been recognized as one of America’s most prolific preachers, speakers, and authors. On this first Sunday of Advent, Willimon preaches from Luke 21: 25-36. In this passage, we find Jesus in...
B02: The Second Sunday of Advent, Year B (2014)
December 7, 2014
“It’s a harsh voice shouting in the wilderness…and it doesn’t fit so well with the gentleness promised by the Lord,” begins Andrew Connors, Pastor of Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland. In...
B01: The First Sunday of Advent, Year B (2014)
November 30, 2014
Lauren F. Winner is an Episcopal priest and Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality at Duke University. Dr. Winner writes and lectures widely on Christian practice, the history of Christianity in America, and Jewish-Christian relations. Her...