Current Tag: woman

The Rev. Sue Eaves, an Episcopal priest from England who writes mystery novels in retirement, takes a closer look at Matthew 15:21-28 with special attention to the Canaanite woman who comes begging Jesus to heal...
The Rev. Lisa Cressman, Episcopal priest and Founder of Backstory Preaching, preaches the story of the hemorrhaging woman from Mark 5:21-43. “Perhaps even before her hand left the fabric she felt the difference; she knew...
“On the surface it sounds like a typical healing story from the gospels. Jesus is in a public place on the Sabbath day. Someone comes to him with a need. Jesus sees the need, feels...
There are a lot of things we can lose in life. Here’s a list from the Rev. Dr. Alyce M. McKenzie, Professor of Homiletics at Perkins School of Theology. She says, “We can lose direction,...
The Rev. Dr. Barbara Lundblad, the “Dame Judi Dench” of the preaching world (wink), preaches the story of the Syrophoenician Woman from Mark 7:24-37. This woman only gets one line in the Gospel, Lundblad notes....