Current Tag: Third Sunday of Advent

Rev. Ryan Ahlgrim, Pastor of First Mennonite Church in Richmond, Virginia, begins this week’s sermon from Luke 3:7-18 by taking an inventory of his coat collection. “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who...
Michael Curry is the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (USA) and one of the best preachers in America. In this sermon for the Third Sunday of Advent he touches on each of the lectionary...
The Rev. Wallace Adams-Riley currently serves as the Senior Chaplain at Christ Church Episcopal School in Greenville, South Carolina. Previously, he served the congregation of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia, for nine years,...
Rev. Rachel May re-draws the traditional picture of Mary in this sermon from Luke 1:46b-55, the alternate Gospel reading for this Sunday. There’s Mary, singing her heart out in “the Magnificat.” There’s Elizabeth, cheering her...
The Rev. Dr. Luke A. Powery is the dean of Duke University Chapel and Associate Professor of Homiletics at Duke Divinity School. A national leader in the theological study of the art of preaching, Powery...
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