B20: The Second Sunday of Easter, Year B (2018)
April 2, 2018
Father Michael Renninger, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia, tells the story of Doubting Thomas from John 20:19-31, and makes the observation that, if you’re not in the room, you could miss...
A22: The Second Sunday of Easter, Year A (2017)
April 16, 2017
MaryAnn McKibben Dana describes herself as “a writer, spouse, mother of three, muffin maker and occasional marathoner.” She says, “I am a Presbyterian pastor whose spiritual inner child is secretly Quaker. (I guess the secret’s...
C19: The Second Sunday of Easter, Year C (2016)
March 11, 2016
“Thank goodness for Thomas, for the courage he had to ask the questions, to demand proof, because some of us need that kind of experience in order to believe too…In a way, all of us...
B20: Second Sunday of Easter, Year B (2015)
April 5, 2015
The Rev. Dr. William H. Willimon, Bishop in the United Methodist Church, Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry, and one of America’s best preachers preaches a sermon from John 20:19-31, the story of “Doubting...