Current Tag: Presbyterian

The Rev. MaryAnn, McKibben Dana, popular Presbyterian preacher, author, blogger, and retreat leader, takes up this Sunday’s reading from the Gospel of Mark: the story of . John the Baptist’s beheading (Mark 6:14-29). Dana appeals...
“Poor Thomas. He’s been called the doubter, the skeptic. Jesus seems to chastise him for having to see in order to believe,” begins MaryAnn McKibben Dana. In John 20:19-31, we learn how Jesus handles a...
MaryAnn McKibben Dana describes herself as “a writer, spouse, mother of three, muffin maker and occasional marathoner.” She says, “I am a Presbyterian pastor whose spiritual inner child is secretly Quaker. (I guess the secret’s...
MaryAnn McKibben Dana describes herself as “a writer, spouse, mother of three, muffin maker and occasional marathoner. I am a Presbyterian pastor whose spiritual inner child is secretly Quaker. (I guess the secret’s out.) Dana...
The Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana preaches this Sunday’s assigned reading from Luke 1:39-45, sometimes blandly titled: “Mary Visits Elizabeth.”  But there is nothing bland about this visit.  Mary has just received life changing news from...
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