A36: The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (2023)
July 24, 2023
In today’s passage from Matthew 13:31-33 and 44-52, Jesus speaks in parables to describe the kingdom of heaven. Richard Voelz, Associate Professor of Preaching & Worship and the Director of The Bridge for Early Career...
A04: The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year A (2022)
December 12, 2022
“Grief comes before joy. In today’s story… and in so much of life. Our reading today tells the story of Christmas, but it’s not the story we know and love,” begins David Lose, Senior Pastor...
A29: The Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (2020)
June 8, 2020
Have you ever found yourself wondering, “How can God’s promises possibly come true?” People in scripture asked this question as well. In today’s passage, Genesis 18:1-15 and 21:1-7, we find that Abraham and Sarah had...