C05: The First Sunday after Christmas Day, Year C (2021)
December 20, 2021
“The “Lost Years”…sounds like a suspense TV series…“The Lost Years” can also refer to a big chunk of Jesus’s life,” says Scott Spencer, author and New Testament scholar. He continues, “From infancy to 30, we...
C04: The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C (2021)
December 13, 2021
“Where would we be without the faith of Mary and Elizabeth?” ponders Phillip Martin, pastor of Epiphany Lutheran Church in Richmond, Virginia. In today’s passage from Luke 1:39-45 (46-55), Mary allows herself to become God’s...
B05: The First Sunday after Christmas Day, Year B (2020)
December 21, 2020
“Today’s Gospel lesson, Luke 2:22-40, seems perfect for the end of a year, almost any year but perhaps especially this one. It’s the story of an old man holding a baby in his arms and...
B04: The Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B (2020)
December 14, 2020
“A pastor friend was hoping to counter all the commercial Christmas frenzy swirling about his children, and to teach them what the season was all about. So he sat down at the kitchen table with...
A18: The Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year A (2020)
March 23, 2020
“Can you smell that?” asks Scott Spencer’s wife. “No dear,” he replies, not to fret her, but because he genuinely doesn’t smell it. Spencer, author and New Testament scholar, says of today’s passage, John 11:1-45,...