Current Tag: joy

“Grief comes before joy. In today’s story… and in so much of life. Our reading today tells the story of Christmas, but it’s not the story we know and love,” begins David Lose, Senior Pastor...
“In order to communicate truth, most of the times, humans use prose…full sentences, complete paragraphs, linear logic. Prose is fine for propositional truth or for flat, mundane things…But, at times, in order to move people...
“When I was growing up, we would often go to my grandparents’ house in South Carolina for a week or so in the summer time,” begins Kristin Adkins Whitesides, pastor of First Baptist Church, Winchester,...
In today’s passage, Zephaniah 3:14-20, the prophet Zephaniah invited the people to “rejoice, to not be afraid, and to believe that God would bring healing and restoration…[Zephaniah] spoke these words to a people whose lives...
“It’s only a hunch, but I have a hunch that the 23rd Psalm may have been among the first David ever wrote,” begins Jim Somerville, Pastor of Richmond’s First Baptist Church and Co-Founder of A...
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