Current Tag: John the Baptist

The Rev. MaryAnn, McKibben Dana, popular Presbyterian preacher, author, blogger, and retreat leader, takes up this Sunday’s reading from the Gospel of Mark: the story of . John the Baptist’s beheading (Mark 6:14-29). Dana appeals...

“Show Us the Way!”

January 8, 2024
Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, preaches a sermon from John 1:43-58 called, “Show Us the Way!” Curry says, “We need somebody who knows something about life to show us the way. To show...
“What I think most people find compelling about Nelson Mandela’s life is the twenty-seven years he spent in prison serving what was supposed to be a life sentence for speaking out against the oppression and...
In today’s passage, Zephaniah 3:14-20, the prophet Zephaniah invited the people to “rejoice, to not be afraid, and to believe that God would bring healing and restoration…[Zephaniah] spoke these words to a people whose lives...
“Advent, this ‘getting ready’ season, can so easily become a season that is all about doing. Mostly, we get ready by working really hard,” begins Amy Starr Redwine pastor of Richmond’s First Presbyterian Church. She...
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