Current Tag: Jesus

If you attended Sunday School as a child, you probably know today’s story well. “Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a sycamore tree for...
How would you like to be liberated and set free from the hold that money has on your life? Brian McLaren–speaker, activist, and bestselling author, explains how to make this happen in today’s sermon from...
“A church I served developed a clever evening of fellowship called ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?’,” begins the Reverend Amy Starr Redwine, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Virginia. A family in the church agreed...
Otis Moss, III, the Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, a civil rights advocate, activist, and author who was recently recognized as one of the “12 Most Effective Preachers in...
Brian McLaren, speaker, activist, and bestselling author, begins this week’s sermon by explaining how he got a call asking him to come to Charlottesville to join the group of clergy praying for those protesting in...
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