Current Tag: hospitality

“It amuses me to see that the word ‘busybodies’ shows up in the Bible at all! It’s such a funny word…makes you wonder what sort of trouble a first century busybody would create,” says Carla...
“Action or contemplation?  Service or worship?  Hospitality or prayer?  For as long as the church has existed, we’ve debated these dichotomies.  Which is more important – kneeling at the altar, or mopping the church floors? ...
Rolf Jacobson, Professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, preaches a sermon on the Gospel lesson from Mark 6:1-13. People often ask him, “What can we do to save our church?”...
Brian McLaren, speaker, activist, and bestselling author of More Ready Than You Realize, We Make the Road by Walking, The Great Spiritual Migration, and, most recently, Faith After Doubt, preaches from Mark 9:30-37. He starts...