Current Tag: healing

“If I were in charge of Jesus’ public relations, I’m not sure I would want this story about him getting around,” begins Courtney Allen Crump, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. In Matthew...
“A church I served developed a clever evening of fellowship called ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?’,” begins the Reverend Amy Starr Redwine, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Virginia. A family in the church agreed...
Otis Moss, III, the Senior Pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, a civil rights advocate, activist, and author who was recently recognized as one of the “12 Most Effective Preachers in...
MaryAnn McKibben Dana is a sought-after speaker, preacher, conference leader, and writer specializing in issues of leadership, faith formation, technology, and congregational transformation. In today’s sermon, she preaches from Mark 10:46-52, the story of Blind...
The Rev. Lisa Cressman, Episcopal priest and Founder of Backstory Preaching, preaches the story of the hemorrhaging woman from Mark 5:21-43. “Perhaps even before her hand left the fabric she felt the difference; she knew...
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