Current Tag: God with us

“Nearly fifty years ago, the astronauts on board the Apollo 17 spacecraft took a photograph known as the ‘blue marble.’…This was the first clear image of the planet Earth floating in the inky black vastness...
“A pastor friend was hoping to counter all the commercial Christmas frenzy swirling about his children, and to teach them what the season was all about. So he sat down at the kitchen table with...
“What are you dreaming about this Christmas?” asks Father Michael Renninger, pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Richmond, Virginia. In today’s passage, Matthew 1:18-25, we find Mary and Joseph dreaming, perhaps dreaming about their...
Carla Pratt Keyes, Pastor of Ginter Park Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia, preaches a sermon called “Emmanuel” from Matthew 1:18-25. God is with us, all right, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. “To...